Bike and Spa in Orcia Valley: spend an ideal day with us, first to enjoy the breathtaking landscapes, then to regenerate in the thermal waters of Bagno Vignoni.
A tour with our E-BIKES is the right way, accessible to all, to stay away from the most crowded tourist destinations, but to visit the postcard places famous all over the world, independently or with the guidance of our assistants. Trust our staff who will be able to advise you on the most popular itineraries or study personalized tours with you. You can book a half day or full day tour, CONSULT THE PRICES for rental only.
On your return you can then choose between the spas of the famous village of Bagno Vignoni, with outdoor thermal pools or with real SPAs, to regenerate the mind and body… You can book an all-inclusive package or access the Spa with a voucher discount.